How To Break Up A Dog Fight
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03-01-2008, 09:35 PM
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Oct 2005
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also, is it wise, if you can, to lift the dog's hind legs to get him off balance? If there are two people there and each is capable of controlling a dog, you first,
Stay Calm, its rare for dogs to inflict life threatening damage in the time it takes to take a breath and focus on the task ahead.
A focused APBT will likely not notice any touch to any part of it's body as long as it's totally focused on the other animal. If it's not, there is a chance they will transfer their focus to the other sensations. Use caution and watch the dogs heads for any switch ups.
Arrange the dogs so they are as face to face as possible and both are standing. Using your hands hooked around their upper rear leg into the belly area, pull them into line as far as their holds will allow. It's possible that while your doing this they may try to switch holds, keep a watch for it, if they do it at the same time you can quickly snatch them up with no need for parting sticks but you must stop pulling if either dog regains a grip or you'll likely create more damage.
If you need to use the parting sticks you maneuver your self over the back end of the dog and you both, grabbing tightly, scruff each dog, at the same time, lift the dogs back end and tighten your knees around the dogs hips. This should allow you total control of both dogs at the same time.
Lifting the back end up removes the driving force behind the bite (they push into a bite with their whole body).
Once you both have control, you use the parting stick to seperate their holds. You must be prepared for having one dog with no hold and one still with. Make sure you have TOTAL control of the dog out of the bite as only you can assure that it doesn't bite your helper in it's drive to get back to the other dog.
Be Ready, as soon as the other dogs bite is worked loose you both must lift the dogs front end up and to opposite sides by the scruff hold and spin away from each other to prevent them from getting close to each other again.
Seperate the dogs, crate them, and get that drink you so desperately need to stop your knees from shaking and your lunch from coming up.
OK, make that two drinks...
I've, unfortunately, have had to do this. It's not something for the fearful or fainthearted. It's also not reccomended for other breeds.
Would you believe, that nearly every dog fight that I've had to deal with has been at a rescue or boarding facility? Volunteer walkers at the SPCA were some of the worst...
The absolute worst case was by employees that should have known better, 5 huskys in an outdoor run together fighting over a cooling hole....
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