How To Break Up A Dog Fight
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08-28-2010, 04:59 AM
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Oct 2005
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The issue i am seeing here is that because i have written a detailed post that realy was supposed to help someone in such a problem, which correct me if i am wrong is the point of this thread, am i being vilified because i claim that only idiots have dog in yard accidents with no collars on.
its true your an idiot if you have this happen with collarless dogs.
Ive never said once ive never had a accident, i said ive never been dumb enough to have two dogs fightinf without collars on. plain and simple really.
If i was never to have a yard accident i simply wouldnt even know how to seperate them in the first place would i.
Yes yard accidents happen but after seeing my friends 9yr old ex brood dog living out her days, get into an accident with a 55pound male 2yr old , i learnt a very valuble lesson, once i saw the damage inflicted after maybee 3 hours of time where they were able to get to each other, one dog was lost the other was in heavy care for nearly a week but she lived that game little bitch, i learned how easy connections can fail and how a little bit of neglegence gos far to a big problem.
The most i have at my place at once is 5 spots, so i am about 10 time less off a chance to have an issue if i am vigilant than a big yard.
Clueless , your joke was that yes a joke but i took a little offence by it as i was trying to save someone from any unwanted suffering yet instead of contribute youve had a laugh at my efforts and ask for another example?
Where is your example?
Rainmaker as someone who is apparently deeply involved in the American gamedog surley you would be someone who could make a huge contribution to others who have no experience on such a thread?
I am sorry but at the end of the day i was trying to help, at least i know now were to post my efforts.
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