I ctrl+Fed and found no use of "game" before yours, My pit is Sasha. You're saying the OP should have used game in place of DA maybe? Gameness is a willingness to fight in the face of potential injury, yes? What purpose does this serve outside of developing a fighting dog? I can see its use for guard dogs, but from what I've seen, pit breeds are not intended to be (and make poor) guard dogs. Does a more fearless dog help in other competitive sports? I am asking this question out of geniune curiosity; I promise I'm not trying to lead anyone with this line of questions. Does a dog, that is known to be the offspring of two 100% verified APBTs, that lacks gameness get called something other than an APBT or is it just considered lame (not in a derogatory fashion, just in that it fails to meet specific requirements)? Breed is determined by genetics and genetics only, not by how those genes play out in behavior. Behavior should be used to judge the quality of a dog, not what breed you want to call it. Full disclosure: My dog is a shelter-mutt. I will likely only ever own shelter mutts. I am not interested in the genetic purity of any breed of dog that I own, but I am interested in, recognize, and respect, why some value genetics so greatly.
The whole thing about artificial selection is that you can actually change what you don't like if you have the available trait to select for/against.
There are other ways to use the working ability, tenacity, courage etc. In these dogs. It's one of my favorite traits in them in fact. The way I use it is responsible, is not abusive, and my dog LOVES doing it. I don't need to fight my dog to prove how awesome it is. Also just because I disagree with dog fighting doesn't mean I'm denying my dogs history. Most certainly not. And with DA you can very easily train your dog to be manageable and ignore other dogs because ultimately these dogs are working dogs and should be more focused on the task you have given them. That's a true working dog. And it's a responsible owner thing to do to protect our dogs from harm and not let our selfish egos get in the way.