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07-24-2010, 11:36 PM
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Oct 2005
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I am not afraid to discuss it I know of the history, but that being said it is history and is illegal here now period. Dog fighting then and now also seems a lot different than it is now and as someone said in another thread everyone has their own way of doing it and opinion on it. One persons way might be not as cruel as another.
There are a lot of nice working dogs produced out there that haven't been fought. As I said earlier just because you have a certain breed doesn't mean you have to want it for the original purpose when the breed is able to do many other legal and useful tasks. Lots of breeds have drive and willingness to please it doesn't mean they need to be fought to do so.
I don't even really understand what you guys are trying to prove. You want it to be legalized in the US?
As for the breeding and attacks I don't think it has anything to do with dog fighting. I think it has to do with morons owing the breed and BYBs producing bad examples with genetically flawed unstable temperaments. Today's media also doesn't help.
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