Remember the thread I posted about the black lab running loose. Well I'm pulling in the apts yesterday and the owner is out there with her dog (on leash) and her two kids......Guess the calls finally got to her... well dig this, I'm pulling in the parking space and it's on the end and she's there with her kids which are sitting on the edge of the curb. I'm thinking, ok, big ass truck parking here, you're gonna get your kids out the way....WRONG! She just lets them sit there.......when I park, she's standing right by my door with the dog.....I'm thinkin, I'd hate to shoot this dog in front of these kids.......I open the door and she says sarcastically, watch out cuz he's vicious, he'll lick you to death....The dog smells me and is being rather friendly.....I just smile and say REALLY! I gave her no convo, because I just saw it going waaaay out of hand....I know you can't win em all.....But I see some are not fit for dogs OR kids! Especially if you'll let them sit on the curb where a big truck is trying to park and not even move them.....AH WELL...........Thank God for another day... How's everybody?