Game Bred APBT
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08-29-2009, 02:18 PM
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Oct 2005
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I said that Carver didn't believe in testing his females. So basically you are saying that Carver didn't breed gamebred pups because of the females in their pedigree were not tested? I guess he didn't produce much gamebred pups then.
I don't know how the discussion went from breeding to matching dogs. I'm not going to dispute whether he would stand a chance against fast lane dogs of today or not. That's a matter of one's opinion. But how many of these fast lane competitors are successful as Carver? How many of these big name kennels produced quality stock years after years?
My question was about a deep game sire and an untested female. Not the parents of a pup that were curs.
I'm sure you heard the saying, "all dogs with quit, under the right circumstances." If this is the case, then there are absolutely no gamebred pups...ever.
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