I disagree... I don't think this is about the dogs one bit. It might be for those of us that would attend, that actually cared about the dogs. But in the end it is just a publicity stunt for Best Friends... which I am sure will be fund raising and handing out pamphlets at the vigil. As for the one or two people that are having sleepless nights who worked on the MURDER SQUAD...I refuse to call it a "euthanasia team" they murdered those dogs... as for them.. Good I hope the vision of those puppies haunt them for a long long time. But I doubt it will.. anyone that can murder someone's dogs hell 8 week old puppies... that is a special kind of sick person. They deserve to have the sleepless nights I hope for more misery for them. As for those of us that are not attending for various reasons... I don't see it as being self absorbed... I see it as not wanting to contribute to a publicity stunt for a organization that I disagree with. Just like when the ACLU and those folks hold candle vigils against the death penalty... it is a publicity stunt. They want donations so they can "keep up the good fight" Sorry if that makes me self absorbed or anything else.. I guess I am just a dick.