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Old 11-09-2011, 10:30 PM   #14

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Ten years passed off since the WTC has been destroyed by suicide-terrorists.

There are some conspiracy theories.

- The US-government did 9/11
The government did 9/11 to receive consent to its further wars.

- the "world Jewry" did 9/11
The "world Jewry" did 9/11 to make the US doing their job, fight the islmaic world.

Some thoughts.
If the US or the Jews did 9/11 and no religous fanatics, wherewith have the assasins been paid off?

Is it really so difficult to fly a jet into a skyscraper? The teacher, who teached one of the assasins says, it isnīt. Of course he didnīt know that he teached a terrorist.
As an Engineer with Phd in Structural Engineering I challenge anyone who believes in official version about 9 / 11 disaster of twin towers.

These are opinions of independent engineering and other experts about 9 / 11 event from technical point of view.!
BPitt is offline


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