OK, so let me if I have this straight. You are saying that a man many believe was the dumbest president in the history of the United States was smart enough to have arranged a conspiracy to rig three high profile New York buildings to collapse in front of God and everyone just so he could start two wars. That he did so in such an obvious fashion that a handful of people have figured it out, but for some reason no one wants to listen to them. You are further asserting that rather than simply arrange some planted evidence about terrorists in Afghanistan and Iraq he arranged the deaths of over 3,000 people, the collapse of three buildings and loss of four airliners. That he somehow managed to accumulate a budget not only for an operation involving hundreds, possibly thousands of co-conspirators as well as the hush money needed to keep them all silent for the rest of their lives. That he also somehow managed to recruit a few radicals who were willing to give their lives for a cause that would insure the invasion of their homeland and deaths of their family and friends. He accomplished this when the CIA and every other intelligence agency on the planet admits that infiltration of terrorist organizations has been virtually impossible. Your are further asserting that he managed to pull this off and convince a majority of not only the American people, but a majority of the world. And even further, that having arranged all this unnecessary destruction that not one of those involved, not one of the hundreds of people needed to arrange the explosive charges, has ever seen fit to make a few million by spilling the beans. And that he pulled this off with the entire Democratic party sitting idly by when one shred of evidence would have brought about his impeachment, likely imprisonment and rendered the Republican party to the political wilderness for years. OK, sure. BTW, I have some oceanfront property in Nevada I will sell you.