The tragedy in Norway may have been a revenge for the NATO bombings in Libya
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05-09-2011, 07:20 AM
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Oct 2005
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Let's move on from the hard facts to enlightened speculation.
I assume that the principal reason for the cover-up of the potential Libyan connection is the fear of a mass panic in Europe, in case the hard facts of the Norway tragedy should be exposed to the ordinary citizens. This kind of protective cover-up is exactly what should be done in these circumstances, but I wonder why do the politicians in the major European parties contradict themselves by simultaneously initiating a smear campaign against their political opponents, which is in direct contradiction of the principle of trying to silently forget the Norwegian tragedy?
The secondary reason for the cover-up may be the commitment of the major European parties to continue their bombing campaign in Libya. This war might become extremely unpopular with the Western public if it emerged that the attacks in Norway were a revenge for the tragedies caused by NATO in Libya.
There may also be a deeper reason for the cover-up. If the truth about the attacks in Norway came out, the popularity of the major European parties might dip very low in the next polls, resulting in an isolationist and nationalist turn in Europe. The major European parties seem to be obsessed about carrying out their societal projects, and may be ready to resort to extreme measures to safeguard this goal.
To conclude, it seems likely that an unknown sympathizer of Libya from an unknown country wanted Breivik to carry out his attack. However, it's hard to see how Breivik could have been manipulated in the very short time span of a couple of months into targeting children and civil servants instead of the high-profile politicians he had in mind earlier when writing his manifest. Except if a hefty reward was involved to change Breivik's mind about the primary targets.
Perhaps Breivik was an ideologically flexible wanna-be-terrorist who had been silently preparing several tailorable attack scenarios after 2005, just waiting until a suitable financier would turn up. This financier may have been given the last decision on selecting the targets based on his personal preferences.
It is true that Breivik also mentioned some political gurus in his manifest, and even made a handful of posts on many kinds of right-wing forums, but those seem to be unauthentic posts simply to support his cover story of being a right-winger. Why else would he register on a forum to make typically as few as four posts or only two comments?
It seems impossible to find even a single person who would have been personally involved in politics together with Breivik after 2004, which is an extremely unlikely situation if Breivik had really been a genuine political activist. Therefore, everything seems to suggest that Breivik had simply turned into a recruitable hitman, who was awaiting passively for customers to rent him for his upcoming one-time job. Unfortunately, the specific form and amount of his "payment" is not known. It could very well be something else than money.
Anyway, it is possible that after the decline of al-Qaeda, the War on Terror may slowly turn into a different direction, and refocus itself on rogue states who are hiring local hitmen of various ideological and selfish motivations.
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