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Old 04-05-2011, 07:59 PM   #34

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Then why did you say he was an Afghan warlord? Were you deliberately trying to mislead people?

You do, huh? Kind of like how my brother

They would have had no reason to fight were they not invaded by the USSR.
Mullah Omar was a veteran of the Afghan-Soviet War. He learned to fight because the Soviets invaded his country, but given that a decade had passed,

it's unclear if/how many of his students (who formed the Taliban) were also veterans like him; nor is it even clear that Mullah Omar or any of his students ever received U.S. financing/training ...

not that it has any relevance to the discussion. This is just an old boring anti-American canard.
Did I? I thought I said: "Are you denying that US/international community financed, trained and armed Afghan war lords (including OBL)".

I don't know your brother and can not coment on what he does. However, I provided links to the sources of my information on one of the threads. And if you are interested, you can type in the question yourself.

They were in the process of infighting by the time the USSR invaded in support of one of the sides. You supported the other side. It won and eventually formed into Taliban.

Unclear to whom?

It is very relevant since the mission (one of the "missions" as they seemed to mutate as they progressed) was to oust Taliban -- a US creation. And now US/UK hold talks with "Taliban" or whatever you will choose to call them in order to withdraw leaving a messed up country to make it difficult for China to do business with.
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