Confirmed By Leon Panetta - OBL "Kill Order" and Water Boarding Worked
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04-05-2011, 04:00 PM
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Confirmed By Leon Panetta - OBL "Kill Order" and Water Boarding Worked Video Player
At 5:00 in Panetta says that there was a 'kill order' for OBL only if he 'threw up his hands' were they to take him alive
The Obama appointed CIA chief also admitted today that intelligence gleaned from enhanced interrogating techniques led the US to Osama Bin Laden. 8:50 in
Intelligence garnered from waterboarded detainees was used to track down al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden and kill him, CIA Chief Leon Panetta told NBC News on Tuesday.
“Enhanced interrogation techniques” were used to extract information that led to the mission’s success, Panetta said during an interview with anchor Brian Williams. Those techniques included waterboarding, he acknowledged.
Panetta, who in a 2009 CIA confirmation hearing declared “waterboarding is torture and it’s wrong,” said Tuesday that debate about its use will continue.
“Whether we would have gotten the same information through other approaches I think is always gonna be an open question,” Panetta said. The last time I checked Panetta was a Democrat.
This should put these two issues to rest...
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