Confirmed By Leon Panetta - OBL "Kill Order" and Water Boarding Worked
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04-05-2011, 05:13 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
You guys can defend torture all that you want. Torture is torture, and something that we have seen as evil, as we should. My America would never engage in torture. The end never justifies the means. We either have noble principles and try to live by them or we join folks such as Stalin and Hitler's Germany, just two of many who have indulged in evil deeds.
Yet I am not surprised by so many willing to indulge in torture, as we no longer respect human life, that is in the womb. We are slowly becoming the Romans, a little bit at at time, until one day we will not resemble what America used to be, and what America stood for.
I would have rather let Bin Laden remain free than to undermine America's principles, if I had that choice. But principles and morality is quickly losing its previous popularity, and it is a sad day for America. We have become what we used to despise. Ironic.
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