Confirmed By Leon Panetta - OBL "Kill Order" and Water Boarding Worked
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04-05-2011, 07:23 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
What is it with you people?
Look, torture is bad. That's why they call it "torture" instead of "happy fun time". The flip side is that, in some cases, it is also effective in getting information out of people.
There is no reason to believe that "enhanced interrogation" didn't reap some rewards including the disclosure of certain names and modes of operation that eventually lead to bin Laden.
Interrogation is a process and many different methods of interrogation are used on an individual to get "good" information. That information can't be relied upon by itself but when it is combined with information from other sources the ultimate utility of that information
be determined. Is it possible to beat someone into "confessing" that the sky is green instead of blue? Sure. Do you just take that information and run with it? Hell no.
When you are dealing with violent people a lot of the "rules" of polite society go out the window. Strict adherence to such rules can make a dangerous situation even more dangerous not because
don't care about them but because the other son of a bitch has completely blown them off. These terrorists had no qualms whatsoever about blowing up innocent people, flying aircraft into occupied buildings, chopping heads off of innocent people, strapping bombs to the mentally disabled and blowing them up in crowded streets. You don't pussy foot around with a creature like that. You control it or you kill it because absolutely nothing you do is going to turn it into a human.
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