Morgan Cup Fence riders....Get your videos in!!!
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09-22-2012, 02:22 PM
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Nov 2005
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Morgan Cup Fence riders....Get your videos in!!!
I am curious why you wouldn't submit a video if you are eligible to be in the Morgan Cup. Is it money? It's not all that expensive and can be paid in installments. Is it that you're afraid you won't get picked? So what if you don't get pciked, life will continue as it did before. But
if you do get picked you will be a part of history
. Is it that you don't like the location? What could be better than the Strand in July? What exactly is it that is holding you back? I am sitting here scratching my head....
The Morgan Cup was created by THP for its members. The first MC was a grand success and the second in shaping up to that and more. Wouldn't you like to be a part of history? I can understand if you have personal reasons for not entering and that's fine with me.
What really chaps my arse is those that have not good reason for not entering. YES, I am talking directly to you, the ones asking themselves who does he think he is?
I am a proud member of THP, a parent, a husband and
....and so many other things just like so many of you.
The judges that will be picking the 14 remaining members are going to be completely unbias in their selections. Its not THP picking a group of their buddies for a cool weekend.
Its a cool weekend made up of different styles, beliefs, levels, fashion scence, eating habits...what have you
. It's an oppurtuntiy to be treated and feel like a tour pro with all the fixings. It's an oppurtunity to make some life long friends, create new memories and maybe find someting you lost along the way in life.
Give THP the support it deserves so that this tradition can continue well beyond 2012. Sit back and think of the opputtunity the Morgan Cup can afford many people. Think of how this could actually grow into a global event. The seed has been planted and it is up to use to make sure it grows. We have been given the guidelines and the chance at someting great. Let's not squander this gift.
Don't be afraid of not getting picked. If you do, SUPER! If you don't, life goes on. If you are eligible and support THP for everything it is and what it stands for, get you videos in. I promise you will kick your self if you don't.
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