And publicly burning a Koran results in dangers to our soldiers and all the rest of our citizen's overseas, and everyone knows it will. It may not be right but it is a fact and a well-known one. I don't see the actions of the TSA as foolish. As for the Patriot Act that depends. If it legitimately makes me safer I'm all for it, whether it "curtails my freedom" or not....dead men aren't free, just dead. And please spare me the Franklin quote.. or misquote as it's usually done. What was said is: "They that can give up essential (my italics) liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." I don't see at all how this asshole burning a Koran was in any way an "essential" liberty for him. If he had just pounded it and said "this is an evil book and should be burned, but I won't, as that would place our soldiers in jeopardy", then he would have made the exact same point. As it is, I regard him as a traitor to our country, for giving aid and comfort to the enemy by justifying (in their eyes, not mine or any sane person's ) their murderous actions against the people who died. Eleven innocent people shouldn't have died to protect this asshole's "freedom" to perform a meaningless gesture. He knew it would happen, hell, he was probably counting on it to give him more publicity. The actual murderers should be hanged. He should be tried and convicted for manslaughter, if not treason