Hammers and toilet seats? What a bunch of tripe. Jesus fucking Christ, I don't know where to start in regards to wasteful defense spending... OK how about the congressional decision to replace the Palidin 155mm Howitzer with the Crusader 155mm Howitzer? At more than double the cost? The "Crusader", yeah that's a good name for an artillery piece when our enemies are trying to use the false propaganda that the West is engaged in a crusade to kill all Muslims as a recruiting tool. I couldn't think of a stupider name for a new weapon project considering the circumstances. Does the US military really need stuff like that when considering ther current threats we face? How about the F-22 and F-35 Joint Strike Fighter projects? The F-22 was made in 44 States, then they wonder why there was massive cost overruns. It's called pork-barrel spending and I think it is wasteful spending. And what about discontinuing the F-14? the F-14 was used extensively in Iraq throughout the 90's in Operation Southern Watch to enforce the no-fly zone for a decade and none of them ever got shot down. I know one pilot who took some flak several times, however the F-14 has a remarkably resilent dual engine airframe and he was always able to make it safely back to the airbase in Saudi Arabia. There will likely never be another F-14 ever produced again because the tooling to produce them was destroyed, ostensibly to prevent Iran from getting spare parts. Was that the real reason or does the real reason have more to do with the Military Industrial Complex selling much more expensive weapons systems that we really don't need. And what about C-130 and C-17 projects? Unclassifiable, I'm sorry that I hijacked your thread with real issues, but I think it is pretty fucking stupid to be talking about hammers and toilet seats.