Prior to the recent African continent rebellions, we didn't have a problem with Gadhafi. Then when Libyan rebels jumped on the bandwagon and Gadhafi took steps to defend his government, we took notice. And when the rebels were initially appearing to win, we did nothing. But when the uprising began to be quelled with Libyan government military force, we charged right in, with a U.N. excuse and in violation of the African Union. At first, we just tried to make the fight fair and prevent a slaughter, keep matters to a standoff. Then we became more .. invasive .. in our strikes. So Muammar wrote a letter to his "brother" Obama and implored him to cease the invasive strikes and let the African Union appropriately arbitrate the dispute. But in response, we're now calling for Gadhafi's "head" .. at least Hillary is: Clinton Dismisses Gadhafi Letter, Reafirms He Must Yield Power Wow. A couple of months ago we had no problem with MG. Then his government was attacked by its own people. Now HC calls for his head. Though dictator isn't my favorite form of government, to my knowledge the U.N. hasn't outlawed the form. So what's with all this American apparent opportunism here? Well .. America only gets a half of a percent of its oil from Libya. What do you want to bet that rebel leaders have promised us more oil if we help them win. I wonder what The President has to say on the matter? Has he commented about our potential oil gain? Does he agree emphatically with Hillary about regime change in Libya, a sudden turn around from a couple of months ago. You know, I can't help but wonder if this entire African uprising trend .. was CIA sparked. (Sorry, please pardon my conspiracy theory flare up -- I thought I had that under control.) Regardless, I find it interesting that a few months ago, we were all happily quiet on the African front .. and now, you can't shut us up. It's easy, though, to talk about regime change being okay if it happens to others. If a bunch of American rebels started efforts to overthrow Obama's government would he be as amenable to such changes as he is to the same happening to poor Gadhafi? Probably not. After all, it's all about whose ox is getting gored .. and whose might get oiled.