Thoughts on shot shaping
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07-14-2011, 06:27 PM
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Oct 2005
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Thoughts on shot shaping
Since I began playing golf the topic of shot shaping has been something that has come up over and over for a variety of reasons and I was wondering what everyone here thinks about it? From my experience there are three schools of thought.
1. I try and shape every single shot I make, whether it is high, low, draw, fade I am trying to do something with it.
2. I struggle enough hitting it straight who wants to worry about curving it.
3. I play to hit it straight and/or my natural ball flight and only shape it if I really have too.
One of the big reasons I ask this question is because the ability to shape one’s shot is something I feel most people attribute to better golfers a group I don’t always consider myself to be a part of. Yet I know that I struggle to keep mechanical thoughts out of my head when standing over the ball, is my club face square as I take the club away, are my knees flexed enough, etc. but when I am playing a particular shot shape I focus on how to make that happen and it allows me to swing more freely because I am focused on the shot shape I trying to hit versus my mechanics. This has left me wondering if others find themselves in a similar situation and if they/I wouldn’t be better off trying to make golf shots versus trying to make golf swings?
Again what do you guys think?
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