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05-09-2011, 04:21 AM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
Never been that close on a golf course, but have had a lightning slam into a lightpost 20 or so yards in front of me. I turned and ran into a nearby building without a second thought.
Tricky thing if you´re out on a course with no shelter available. Lowest ground would´t work (well it might be better than nothing, but not completely safe), because the shower(water on the gruond) might work as a conductor. There are multiple reports of soccerplayers injured and even killed because om lightning striking the wet pitch. In your case I would recommend you haul ass back to the club house or other building in your golf cart(if you had one). The cart in it self protects you a bit like a car - BUT with its open sides its not completely safe.
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