Which came first?
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07-22-2011, 09:05 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
Since I began playing golf 7 years ago I have had a what I would consider a terrible mental game. A friend that I play with frequently who also happens to be the best player I know always says that puts as much effort into their game as I do that I get very little reward also that for a swing that looks as good as mine I get very poor results. He attributed a great deal of this lack of enjoyment and results to the fact that I lack confidence in my swing. Meaning after a single bad shot I start to analyze my swing and start tweaking it. He always said that you need to be more confident that you are going to hit a good shot and just swing the club to which my response was always that I needed to hit the good shots first to build the confidence that I could hit good shots.
After last season I made a commitment to try and improve my mental approach to game and made my only goal for this season be the ability to play the entire season and enjoy playing whether I played good or bad. So far I have been successful and I have been shooting better scores to boot.
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