How did you learn course etiquette and who should teach new golfers?
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07-18-2011, 11:18 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
My grandparents were members of the local muni their whole lives and played daily in season. I was going with them by age 5 or 6 and knew and understood basic golf etiquette (being quiet while others play, not hitting into people, letting faster groups play through, not walking in people's line, getting off the green so the next group can play, etc.) well before I was 10. To me those who don't know simply don't care about other people in general and it's a symptom of a society of "me, me, me".
As to the cure, it's on the golfers who introduce new players to the game (most people don't start golfing alone) to speak up and teach. Secondarily, the courses need to post reminders and the rangers need to speak up. I know this is tough for them as the jerk is a paying customer also, and business is hard to come by, but they have to try or well-mannered golfers will go elsewhere.
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