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Old 03-03-2011, 03:31 PM   #22

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Oct 2005
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ahoy me friends, hail to ye all!

a few years ago...actually, more like a decade ago (its kinda strange sayin' that, hath it been that long?), i was a fervent supporter 'o our military action in Afghanistan.

i believed our cause was righteous no matter who the skipper was on our bridge, be it President Bush, or the our current captain, President Obama.

recently though, i've lost me faith, and am unclear what we're doin' thar and why we're stayin'. i know thar hath been a yearnin' amongst many here on USPO that our country just lay down a rain 'o fire and stop pussyfootin' around thar, and Mr. Obama hath certainly been more forceful (i was goin' to say "ruthless", but thats kinda a pejorative term, aye?) in pursuein' our national intrests, fer sure.

but when i reads news like this, it just seems like madness be takin' place in that faraway land;

whilst some 'o our more hardened swabby's who sail with us here on USPO might shrug and say, "what do you expect? war is hell!", i hafta wonder how many terrorists our mighty NATO forces created the moment we blew them nine children into piles 'o meat, bone and viscera.


- MeadHallPirate
Ahoy me mead-soaked pirate friend,

Me be a thinkin' that maybe the US military ran out of any significant Al Qaeda targets in Afghanistan some time ago and the situation been turnin' into a classic example of mission creep. Especially since NATO got involved.


- Capt'n Hairball
drycleden is offline


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