You did not get my point then. NATO could stay another 10 years and still maker the same excuses you are making. But they cannot point to any meaningful results of their current strategy of shooting blindly in the dark with their fingers crossed.
Because it is personal, and as such irrelevant to the big picture i am concerned about. You have offered slogans like "do what needs to be done" but nobody knows what that means - mass murder, scorched earth, carpet bombing? If that is what you mean can you describe in detail how that would translate into success? How would it be different from anywhere else that has been tried in the last 50 years? Again, after 10 years where are we? Thousands of people dead for what? Can you point to any real success that will last beyond the moment NATO eventually leaves? Your personal experience might be interesting over a few beers, but that is it. I want to hear something meaningful. Not "war is bad and there are mistakes"... we all know that already. We want to know exactly what it is these civilians are dying for because it sure the fuck is not clear to most people.
Thor, Another way to put this, why should i listen to you and not these soldiers? Why we are against the Wars - In the end it has to be about the big picture, and not about the soldiers. Andrew