WTF is going on in America - many people don't even know about WTC7
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10-02-2011, 04:49 PM
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Oct 2005
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As far as the pre-wired demolition theory, absent some proof it is readily dismissed out of hand.
Where is your proof of 19 Arab Hijackers?
Because the government posted pictures of them?
The only 'proof' of anything is that airplanes hit the WTC complex and that a lot of people died.
Just because the government doesn't talk about something doesn't mean it doesn't happen.
Obviously it doesn't mean it DOES happen either.
Personally, given the gigantic liability that the US Government has in failing to prevent 9/11, I trust what they say on the topic very very little. For God's sake, the official story of 9/11 is a conspiracy story.
Maybe you trust the media instead. The media that parrots what the government tells it everytime there's something that involves 'national security'. As an example, the media was literally cheering bush into invading Iraq. And we see how accurate bush's claims about Iraq were after-the-fact.
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