Newbie to a Mens League...
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01-04-2011, 10:14 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
I've been in the same league for 20 years now. When I started I was shooting in the 70s (nine holes) and now mostly shoot between 40-45. We have players with handicaps from 2 - 25 (again, for 9 holes). We have 2-man teams, each team has an A and a B player. The A player for one team plays the A player from another, with strokes given to compensate for the handicap difference. There are a total of 21 points available per match. There are the 18 points for the holes (9 for each A and B player), one point for low net score for each and one point for low team net score. We have a weekly skins game, $2 to enter, have to have birdie or better to win a hole.
We have a great bunch of guys and have a lot of fun. Hope you do too.
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