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Old 12-10-2009, 10:20 PM   #37

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Erm, can I stop you right there. No, you can't. You're just delusional here ...

As a Muslim, I have heard these excuses over and over and over, frankly its tiring. Also, you should not take pride in ignorance, because what you are saying above is a pure misconception. Since you are a Muslim, then you already know what you typed following this are bald faced lies.

Islamic Law, has never said that Jews or Christians are second or third class. Infact Islam considers them The People of the Book. Muslims are allowed to marry from People of the Book, we are allowed to do business with them, marry into them, etc because they believe in the same God. Has nothing to do with the fact that Arab Muslims abuse minorities in Arab Islamic states and always have. They're dhimmi, period. They were in the past, and they always will be.

My father's business partner was a Jewish lawyer in the UK. They got on very well. Who cares; he's in the UK, not an Islamic state; he has little choice but go by English law, as much as it bothers Muslims living there. But don't worry, when you make your pile, you can move back to some wonderful Shariah state and won't have to suffer such indignities as having to fake 'tolerance'.

Lets make something very clear here. Zionism is what Islam is against. Infact truthful Jews and Pure Judaism is against Zionism. The whole world should be against Zionism. Yes, you've made it very clear in every thread on these topics you're a bigot and have no problems at all with Jews and Israelis being murdered by Arabs. Try to vary your nonsense occasionally.

Now, dont go covering up crimes against humanity in Palestine I don't intend to ever cover up the murders and terrorism committted by your fellow genocidal Muslim Arabs, and you're implying that I do is also a lie.

by bringing up rubbish like whats in your post. Either you are ignorant willingly or you just didnt know. If you didnt know, now you do, I say nothing but the truth when it comes to Islam. Its very important you get your facts right. Take your own advice and actually come up with facts instead of the rubbish you expect educated people to swallow.

Sadly, both sides commit crimes against humanity. Some do it for secular reasons, some in the name of religion.

All should be condemned. The 'moral equivalence' fallacy yet again; one time some random Israeli citizen said Bad Things About faux 'Palestinians'= Israel invalidated as a State, therefore terrorists ='freedom fighters' = 10's of thousands of Arab and Muslim atrocities committed against Jews all over the planet. It's all the same ...

And when the terrorist who up at your house and say.

Let us use your house as a base. If you do not we will kill you, your father and mother, grandmother and grandfather, sisters and brothers, and so on.

What do you do?

In actuality all you are doing is continuing the long line of justifications promoted by both sides of the conflict. A never ending series of excuses. They don[t need to force people to use their houses as a base; over 90% of Arab Muslims support terrorism. In actuality, you just don't believe Israel has a right to defend itself, and have a never ending series of non sequitors you're trying to pass off as a 'neutral' position, and don't really understand the difference between defense and terrorism. 'Palestinians' are the aggressors here, not Israel. In Gaza, they voted for war, they elected Hamas, a group whose charter calls for Israel's extinction, and they launch continual attacks against unarmed Israeli citizens, not military targets. Over 80% voted for them, so there no moral ground for them to hide on at all.

This isn't entirely true. Yes, the Koran calls them People of the Book and all but they are still treated differently than what a Muslim would be treated. Let's consider, for a moment, the extra tax that they can be legally charged, if they are living in Muslim controlled land. That's just one example of a few. How many Islamic states can anybody name that have equal rights for non-Muslims? Even in Malaysia the Chinese are subjected to restrictions and high taxes. He's full of shit, and he knows it.

We have no responsibility because we are only reacting to what they are doing. Yes, in Israel's case that's exactly right. Glad you finally got it.

right of conquest. Actually they just finally ended the illegal Arab military occupations of Gaza and the West Bank, something the UN failed to do. Jordan gave up its illegal claims to the West Bank in the 1980's. The faux 'Palestinians' have their own governments and courts and aren't being oppressed by anybody but themselves and their fellow Arab countries surrounding them.

This is a good distinction which must be realized.

Zionism is ultimately the problem. It is an incredibly irrational movement which by its very nature is destined to create centuries or even millenia of strife. Unfortunately, as irrational as the ultimate goal is, they are pursuing it through brutal and effective rational means: enlisting the help of the US government via political, monetary and military help, the production of nuclear weapons, the systematic methods of building settlements in the palestinian territories. You know squat about Zionism, and even less about Israel. Israel is a secular state with the most diverse religious, cultural, and racial population in the ME. Israeli Arabs sit in the Knesset, and the government has a 75% approval rating among Israeli Arabs.

You also suffer from the delusion that the West Bank and Gaza have somehow been declared 'Jew Free Zones' by somebody, completely ignorant of the fact that Jews lived in every district in what is now the West Bank, Gaza, and Israel, all but two, long before the '47 war. Guess who ethnically cleansed the West Bank and Gaza? If you can't figure it out just stick with hitting the bong and stay away from spamming history discussions altogether. Then there is the fact 80% of the Mandate was lopped off and made into an Arab state, no Jews allowed to own property there.

If the 'two state solution' was such a great idea, why didn't work then? Why do these faux 'Palestinians' keep rejecting the two-state solution?

And drop the first three letters off your handle while you're at it.

It is important to stress that there is a difference between Spiritual Zionism (a connection to the land, but no political state) and Political Zionism (a Jewish State).

The former is compatible with the vision of a bi-national state for all. The latter is what we see in existence today. So now you're claiming a secular state is evil? LOL you're just hilarious.

I'm still waiting for that evidence Dershowitz was a plagiarizer, or are you going to admit you were lying when you claimed he was? Real evidence, not the 10-12 pages of your playing 'I Touched You Last!!!” that is the sum total of what you and your enablers came up with when you made the claim.

It's important to stress that when you're being subjected to hundreds of rocket attacks and purposeful targeting and murder of civilians that enables to other side to get away with a lot more than what they normally would. Even when its Jews ???? Imagine that ... that goes completely against all the faux 'Peace Left' stands for, you know ...

I happen to live next door, which happened because my father punched your father in the face and took your house.

In spite of this injustice, I build a house in your back yard and my adult kids start living there.

When you throw rocks through my windows or my children's windows, I guess I'm justified in shooting you and bulldozing your house. Then I'll claim to the community that I was just defending my safety and property.

Political Zionism 101. Great fabrication. Too bad it bears no relation whatsoever to the facts. Jews didn't displace Arabs; they settled on land they bought and paid for from the owners, many of whom were Arabs. They built Tel Aviv to avoid displacing Arabs in Jaffa. Most of the Arabs displaced displaced themselves in 1947-48, and created their own problems ever since. If they weren't so bigoted and violent they would have had peace all along, but no, they're arrogant and stupid and preferred thuggery, calls for genocide, and Jihad.

That's Islam 101.
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