Is this statement a threat? This is not a GZ mosque thread. I would like to hear a discussion of whether the 'peaceful' iman is making a threat against the US. If he is so peaceful, then why doesn't he delineate himself from the 'radicals' instead of furthering their agenda. When 9-11 happened, shortly after, we were told repeatedly not to let the terrorists change our way of life. Yet, today, on all sides we are being told that we MUST change our way of life to suit them - all of them - or they will do violence to, not just our soldiers, but US citizens as well. WTF? What happend? Again, this is NOT about GZ mosque. Hopefully this will be a dialogue about dialogue, rhetoric, threats of violence, US response to those threats 'then and now.' WHY such a change over the last decade? Are we whipped? Does this mean we have lost the 'war on terror' and now must accept dictation from all of islam? If so IS there such a thing as peaceful islam? It sure sounds like the iman is working the agenda of Al Qaida to me. Note, in the article, this is phrased in 2 or 3 different ways. Is this a threat? If so, or if not, then why. Imam: Handling of Islamic center plan a matter of national security -