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Old 09-10-2010, 02:25 AM   #20

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Oct 2005
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Freedom to worship and equal treatment under the law is not an unreasonable demand.

The Imam is right. I don't believe in catering our PR towards not offending mass-murdering shitheads, it just would take an idiot to not see that allowing mob rule/thuggery against muslim Americans to go on will help create conditions that would enable terrorist recruitment.

They got their building plan approved, went through the economic transactions, and made a commitment. If they back down now it would be like them admitting that "yes, Islam should be ashamed in the U.S."

I don't think the religion of Islam has anything to be ashamed of, especially regarding American citizens and legal residents who practice the faith. If they're able to buy the property and meet the same requirements any other building project would be held to (equal treatment before the law) there is no reason why they shouldn't build that Islamic Center.

His statement isn't a threat, it is a logical observation that political/religious oppression inspires rebellion.
Islam has plenty to be ashamed of. 19 people who professed to be Muslims flew planes into the WTC, the Pentagon and a field in PA. Had it not been for the bravery of passengers on the latter, that plane very likely would have hit the Capitol or the White House. Before you get all defensive here, I'm not blaming American Muslims for the attacks on 9/11. I am however plenty pissed off that more of them have not spoken out against these horrible acts and many other acts of terrorism around the world.
Here we have an Imam who claims to be a bridge builder, but has placed part of the blame for 9/11 on the United States and refuses to acknowledge that Hamas is a terrorist group. Some bridge builder!
Want to build a bridge between Islam and Us citizens? Don't piss us off and by all means don't take us for fools.
Find a piece of land a mile or so from GZ and build what you want. Just don't try building your monument to victory on the grave of 3,000 souls your "religion of peace" murdered.
Ebjjrxrd is offline


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