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Old 10-09-2010, 10:27 AM   #24

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I don't think so. He's merely pointing out how extremists spin the real facts or even falsify them to gain an edge.

For example, earlier in the Afghan conflict, the Taliban spread rumours that American forces had desecrated Qu'rans and had even thrown a dead dog into a mosque. It was totally false, but they love stirring the pot to make people believe that the US is anti-Muslim. They also spin any facts that help them. Anti-Muslim sentiments, even by a few exceptions, is spun to make it seem like it's a rule for Americans. They'll spin the moving of the Park51 project as a triumph of anti-Muslim sentiments rather than an objection to the location itself due to sensitivity to what occurred there whereby they'll profit even moreso by the crimes they committed there on 9.11.

It's also important to note that many people in poor regions get their information sources from toxic sources and don't understand what's really going on in the US in any detail or understand how it works. For example, many poor Afghans don't realise that the POTUS and the rest of the US government doesn't have the constitutional power to stop burning of Qu'rans given their own system and way of life. Things like limited government, civil rights, etc, simply hasn't exist in their world and it's something that the UN force there is only now trying to introduce. The Taliban, AQ and other extremists have no problem whatsoever allowing the local people to have erroneous understandings and spin incidents to make it seem that: 1) the US is anti-Muslim, and 2) the government and people are just fine in allowing it and fostering it in deeds.
Then where is 'peaceful islam' in all this. If news sources over there are all toxic and the majority of people go along without question, it would seem that would mean that the majority of the muslim world is toxic/radical.. Perhaps we have just been given a bill of goods that there actualy is a 'peaceful islam.'

I did notice, that in Egypt they get the same news we get. And there are multiple multiple satellite dishes on top of all the apartment buildings. So at least in Egypt they are not living in the dark. The Egyptians were very hospitable, but of course, a lot of their GNP is tourism. And I can identify with that is so is a lot of western KY's.
zlZ95pjt is offline


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