9/11 Response?
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11-12-2008, 02:29 AM
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Oct 2005
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*imagines what MeadHallPirate would have done, if he'd been the first Pirate POTUS*
ahoy Eagle7!
i think i'd mobilize me great fleet and track down the villian who'd struck such a mighty blow to me country, and attempt to make an example 'o him, aye, though with limits.
the idear 'o the hero vanquishing his foe, followin' him to the gates 'o hell, yet leaving a trail 'o ruin and despair behind him, whilst also leavin' his home in shambles whilst sating this thirst fer revenge and justice (queue credits, the swell of strings as the soundtrack rolls, panavision, dolby sound, 70mm) only works in movies, not real life.
beyond that, i'd also be reviewing any lapses in me own intelligence forces here on the 'ol homefront, to make sure nothin' was missed that might prevent another attack.
and that would be it, matey!
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