Iran Paying Taliban to Kill U.S. Troops
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06-09-2010, 10:45 PM
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Oct 2005
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The West must stop enemy satellite TV broadcasts.
(From the For Freedom Forums)
For Freedom Forums :: View topic - The West must stop enemy satellite TV broadcasts
What is to be done?
The Iranian state TV company - you know the one which broadcasts "Death to America" etc. and thereby incites Al-Quds force, Iran’s Revolutionary Guard and Iranians in general to support actions such as paying the Taliban to kill American soldiers - is called "ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN BROADCASTING" (IRIB).
Well the IRIB broadcasts on satellites such as
Intelsat 902
Hotbird 8
Asiasat 3S
Asiasat 2
Telstar 12
Galaxy 19
Badr 4
Nilesat 102
Atlantic bird 4
IRIB source - IRIB programmes on Satellites
?????? ????? ? ?????? ?????
So if the US wants to change the Iranian regime from one which pays the Taliban to kill American soldiers into a friendly regime then a first step to Iranian regime-change is to stop the Iranian regime broadcasting its propaganda all around the world on satellite TV.
So all the US government has to do is tell the owners of those satellites to stop broadcasting IRIB or action will be taken against the companies and satellites concerned and any others which broadcast anti-American propaganda.
Simply shut up the lying mouths of the Iranian islamo-fascists and all the other anti-American, anti-Western hate channels being broadcast and kill many enemy birds with one stone.
Come on America, Britain, NATO and all - this war is an easy win.
Why is the West's military and intelligence staff so lame and refusing to act against enemy propaganda in a serious and sustained way?
It is the same in Iraq.
Iraq X-File: USA vs USA (1) Support satellite terror TV NOT!
YouTube - Iraq X-File: USA vs USA (1) Support satellite terror TV NOT!
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