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Old 07-09-2010, 04:06 PM   #36

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I agree. I dont think an invasion is neccesary. We could simply eliminate their military and let them fight it out internally. Cut the head off, basically. More civilians die that way, though.
Oh just because we don't invade that doesn't mean we should be neutral.

Far from it. We could fund, train, arm and supply a pro-Western Iranian force; possibly organised through NATO.

It would just be that our Iranian allies would come and get their supplies from strong points we control outside Iran, at the border or by plane flying out of airports near Iran when they get control of an airfield in Iran.

There are lots of options of bordering countries with Iran to supply from - Turkey, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakisitan. We could supply via landings on the Persian Gulf coast maybe.

You see the Iranian regime is supplying our enemies in Afghanistan but two can play at that game - we could supply the enemies of the Iranian regime in Iran, right?

It just is important to make sure we find some decent people to support. We must not repeat the mistake of President Eisenhower and Prime Minister Winston Churchill in 1953 when they backed a military coup against the democratic government of Iran and set the fire under the pressure cooker which after a long simmer of building political frustrations finally blew the lid off the Shah's regime in 1979 and the blowback was the Iranian Islamic revolution and all the problems that caused.

A little humility from conservatives would be appropriate I think since it was conservatives of the time who thought the coup was a good idea worth supporting.

We must be sure only to support Iranian democratic forces. If we have to start from scratch by finding Iranian exiles and helping them to build a brand new democratic Iranian political party run from outside Iran with associated military supported by NATO which starts with its own covert invasion of Iran then lets do that.

There are plenty of good Iranians who have had to flee the country who could provide excellent political leadership. We must convince Iranian exiles however that we understand the terrible error of the 1953 coup otherwise we will not be trusted if they think we want to bring back a Shah and dictatorship.
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