ahoy mateys! i have read, time and time again, that our government's spendin' must be slashed. deficit hawks proclaim that our entitlement promises have to be rescinded, aye? the folks on the left fill thar cannons and fire back, "we'd like to see some cuts in the military". the mighty denizens on the right claim that big budget cuts to our military are happenin' and more are on the way. i've thought about this claim and read up on it a bit, yarrrr! President Obama*has proposed*the largest defense budget since World War II. - By Fred Kaplan - Slate Magazine can any of ye swabby's show me some links that prove that there have been serious cuts in our amazing and enthusiastic dumpin' 'o funds into our military? i asks because, well...so many of ye say that cuts are happenin'. prove it, aye? - MeadHallPirate