I am not trying to justify their dentention, but : Since the kurdish/ iraqi border where they were caught on a "hike in the mountains" on iranian territory (allegedly) is not exactly the destination for an innocent family holiday I would be cautious to dismiss the iranian spying charges just because they come from the Iranians. There is still the possibility that these were just idiots who confused northern Iraq with a hike in the Rocky mountains but in this region of the world it is not unreasonable to have some doubts. I still think that one year should be time enough to settle this issue in a way that allows all sides to save face though but as such these guys seem to bargaining chips that will be released for something in return as Iran has more than once done with western prisoners. And finally a question out of curiosity : What do you think would be done with Iranians caught crossing into the US illegally, possibly equipped with cameras and stuff like that ?