One More Month In Iraq
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02-09-2010, 02:55 AM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
As long as oil is valuable, we will have troops in Iraq.
Anyone that believes otherwise is a fool.
Exactly. There are plenty of other countries in the world that have much closer links to terrorism than Iraq did, and plenty of those are run be dictators who do far worse to their people than Saddam did. I wonder if Rawanda and Somalia had oil would the West have been content to let millions of people be slaughtered? I highly doubt it. This invasion has only ever been about money - controlling oil supplies and the revenues that flow from it, and the massive revenues generated from supplying the war and the reconstruction following the blitz. All the rest was a smokescreen to convince a population in awe of their govt to blindly go along with the invasion of a country that had nothing to do with 9/11 at all, and rape it for everything it has. I predict that history will only regard this period and those involved, even more shamefully.
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