(a) Arnie isn't saying anything about Tiger because he and Tiger have a personal relationship. Also, I suspect, because Arnie wants Tiger at his tournament. (b) I don't recall Tom Watson ever having a stable of ho's that he flew to his tournaments, spent "time" with while his father was dying, crashed his car while in an Ambien (or other drug) induced haze. And Watson certainly never behaved the way Tiger does on the course. So if you have some super secret information on Tom Watson's personal indiscretions, please share. Because, as the article you linked correctly states, it was Watson's wife who left him. Not the other way around. And, as the article also states, there is no information whatsoever that Watson had an extramarital affair with his now wife. Just that they got married 2 years after his divorce. (c) Even assuming that the two situations were identical, that doesn't mean that Watson's statements are incorrect. To claim otherwise would be the same as claiming that a former drug addict should not be able to suggest that a current drug addict to go to rehab. (d) None of our business? Of course it is our business. Because Tiger Woods is a business. Woods marketed himself. He inserted himself into our living rooms, our malls, our supermarkets, our airports, and every other place where a TV, billboard, or magazine could be found . . . and he did it for money. Woods chose to make himself a public figure for profit. Quite a tidy profit too. He chose to open himself up to scrutiny. And the bigger the scandal, the bigger the scrutiny. If it had been one woman, one time, I might tend to agree with the sentiment that it was a family matter. But it isn't. And Woods himself wasn't particularly private about his indiscretions, so why should the public be now? (d) Isn't it possible, just possible, that your newfound dislike of Watson is more a result of your affinity for Nike and Woods than the legitimacy of Watson's statements? (e) What's so "interesting" about Hoosier's comment?