Point by point. A. You can make the argument Arnold hasn't said anything because of his relationship w/ Tiger, but I really think it's more than that. Are you denying Arnold was a bit of a ladies man in his day? Also, Nicklaus hasn't said anything about this either. Jack has no tournament he needs Tiger to play in. Phil handled it right by saying he's not going to talk about it. B. I'm not comparing Watson to Tiger. I'm not saying Watson did anything like Tiger ever did. What I am saying is Tom has battled some of his own demons w/ the bottle, his own family, and as a husband. He never wanted to talk about it, and he never did. Now, he wants Tiger to talk about his personal life? That's a big part that is hypocritical to me. C. Tiger never did anything harmful to himself or illegal as far as the law is concerned. So why would Tiger need all of this "advice" on how to "get better"? We're not talking about a drinking or drug problem here. He's a married man who liked multiple women. That's a personal issue between Tiger and his family. Only he can fix it and work it out. D. This is where people are split. I really believe this isn't our business. Tiger is a public figure, and an athlete, and yes, he makes money, mainly based off of us. But, what is he getting paid for? How has he made all of his money? Through golf, right? He's a great golfer, and has been rewarded substantially by it. Where is the rule that says he or any other athlete has to even be a good person? Or be a good family man? Or can't cheat on his wife (that so many do already)? I don't remember him, or any other pro athlete sign any contract stating that they had to come clean if caught doing anything remotely bad. Yeah, Tiger was a bad boy. You can't do what he was doing. I agree w/ that. At the same time, it wasn't illegal or harmful to himself, so it's between him and his family. E. I will reserve comment on this. Hehe. Seriously, Tiger was part of the reason I got into golf. I like Tiger. I'm a competitive guy myself who can show it from time to time. So, I kind of "understand" the kind of guy Tiger is. So yeah, I admit it, I excuse just about everything he does that some others find "appalling" or "inappropriate" on the course. The swearing, club throwing, etc. He's so competitive and wired up to do well, that when he doesn't, sometimes he does things without thinking. I've been around and played sports most of my life. I've played with and against some pretty competitive guys. I have seen things (and done some) that just happen in the heat of the moment. I know not everyone "gets" that, so they see the swearing and club throwing and dismiss it as someone acting like a kid throwing a tantrum out there. Well, it's really not that simple. Some people "are" and/or understand what kind of person Tiger is, and some don't. F. Hoosier made the comment that Tom has somehow earned the right to speak about Tiger the way he has. What I was more or less referring to is his latest comments about Tiger. Saying how Tiger should come public with everything, when Tom himself hasn't talked publicly about anything from his personal life. How has Tom earned any right to say anything about what Tiger should or shouldn't do?