Poll: Fan of Mr. Woods?
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12-02-2010, 09:49 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
I've always been a Tiger fan and I always will be.
I grew up with Jack as my hero, but when the torch was passed to Tiger, I hitched myself to his wagon and I've been there ever since. Tiger is the best golfer I've ever seen and I hope he goes on to break Jack's records and beyond (sorry Jack).
Despite what's happened in Tiger's life recently and despite all of the hoopla that has followed, he's still the best and all any of this proves is that he's just as capable of making the same dumb mistakes that the rest of us make. In many ways, that makes him even more likable than before because it shows that he's as human as the rest of us and that has a sort of reassuring feel to it.
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