When Do You Recover Your Swing?
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01-17-2010, 06:40 PM
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Nov 2005
Senior Member
It really just depends on the person, skill level, and desire. I don't ever play over the winter because of what you just described. You go out after not playing for a few months, suck at it, then take another couple months off. Having to start and then restart is nothing but frustration for me.
The official opening of my personal season is Easter weekend. I play the two days before, every year, with a group of friends, no matter what the weather. I try and be prepared for it, so I am not too awful. Usually, I try and get to the range 2 or 3 times, and hopefully a full 18 in before then. Sometimes that doesn't happen, but that is the goal. I don't want that weekend to be the first time I hit balls. Does that put me in mid-season form? Not by a long shot, but it is usually enough to play decent for the first time out after winter.
My best advice when you are coming off a long layoff -- don't hit any full shots. My first time on the range I will only hit 1/2 and 3/4 shots just to get the feel back and muscles loose. Plus, it help focus on making solid contact. I won't touch the driver or 3-wood until I can hit mid irons like I want to.
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