While I don't disagree... there is one more thing: They aren't very good at it... fighting that is. And haven't been for 500 years more or less? Face it... there are easy 100 million Arabs. There are 6-7 million Jews in Israel. The Arabs should have been able to 'take them in 1949. Or in 1967 Or in 1973 Or right this minute. But they can't. They haven't been any good at fighting anyone... other than other Arabs... since 1549. Now much of that has to do with technology. But much has to do with just how they fight... or don't fight. It's almost stylistic... Kabuki like. The Jews on the other hand are fighting for their lives, and always have been. What the Jews will never ever do is 'quit' and go quietly to the ovens... never again. So in the end... today, next week, next year, or whenever... one of the Muslim states will hit Israel with WMDs... maybe a nuke... maybe gas. Then Israel will hit back with the 'Solomon' strategy. On of course it helps here if you went to Sunday School, but for those that didn't they plan... if they are to die, to take everyone else with them. 'Pull down the temple' as it were. The Arab people... the Muslim holy sites... and much of the Middle East will not survive. We're talking hundreds of millions of lives. THEN there will be peace in the Middle East...