JPStuff gave you excellent advice. Drills like he suggested can quickly get back the feel of striking the ball. When my daughter loses her swing, we do the 3:00 to 9:00 drill and this gets the feel back. I also have her step back from hitting balls and work on her short game. I have her hit short chips and flops, low half wedges, etc. I have her do this because I believe hitting "feel" shots makes her comfortable with a club in her hands. Another thing I have her do on the range is goof around a little bit. By trying to hit the ball with a funny swing she relaxes. I've had her hit drives like Happy Gilmore just to take her mind off current swing problems. She's been struggling lately, and I had her do a few of those things today, and by the time we left the range we had her swing back on plane and she hit some real nice shots. Don't take this the wrong way, but your posts suggest to me that you are really pressing. You worry about what yardage you play from, you worry about your distance. Go to the range and relax and goof around, or hit shots you really like to hit, or go out on the course and play a couple balls at once. Try to hit some different types of shots, mess around, and have some fun. Hell, if you drink, have a couple beers, that might help, too. If you don't drink, ignore that last suggestion.Kevin