League Play Shennanigans
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09-09-2009, 10:54 PM
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Oct 2005
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League Play Shennanigans
Two weeks ago, my partner and I played in the semi's for our League championship. Its a 9-hole league, and we play a combination of match play between the two players with the lowest and highest handicaps (two points each), and 2 points for low team net, for a total of six points. The low handicap gives strokes as appropriate.
I shot my worst round of the year (can you say CHOKE? - LOL) with a 48 for 9. But I had to give my opponent 5 strokes (I'm a 5, he's a 10 for 9 holes). It wouldn't have made a difference what I shot though, since he shot a 38, for a net 28 (eight under par)! I would have had to shoot 32 to beat him!
My partner's opponent was an 11 handicap for 9 holes, and this guy was +3 after six holes! Needless to say we were WIPED OUT!
I wished them luck after the match, and wondered silently if it was really worth sandbagging that much for a lousy shirt that the League winners get!
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