Salon? SALON???? Seriously? Come on man, an online magazine. I gotcha. And then you have the NYT's report where they "suggested" that these things happened....suggested. Did they really happen? That is quite possible. Is it our policy to do those things? Besides the waterboarding to those three whole pieces of shit excuses for human beings? No. Your Marine relative had it done to him as part of training....TRAINING. Are you suggesting that we are torturing our own military personnel? What constitutes torture? Where do we draw the line? It's an arbitrary thing. What is considered torture for one person isn't torture for another. . It's also not something that is easy to conceptualize when you haven't been in the situation. Stanford prison experiment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia These are "normal" educated people. This is the problem when people sit, safe, far from the danger and the situation and judge. Problem is, these very same people get put in the situation and they do the very same thing.