How close would we be to war with Iran if McCain had been elected?
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03-04-2010, 09:36 PM
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Oct 2005
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^ The same was said of Iraq 20 years ago.
The shooting has already started. They are planting IEDs in Iraq, and shooting their own people in the streets. McCain acknowledged the former during the campaign, and I believe would have publicly supported the post election rioting in Iran. How far that could have gone with the expectation of indirect American support is anyone's guess.
At some point restarting the Iranian Civil War would require western forces to shatter Iran's conventional military, which we could do fairly quickly, and affordably if we capture the oil fields. From there its a systematic smash, clear, fortify and rebuild effort across the country to liberate the people from paramilitaries still loyal to the Ackmedinnerjacket regime.
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