Lost in all this is the general lack of need to put ground troops in… at least in any large numbers or formations. A very doable plan might go something like this: An air campaign to remove their air defense systems and coastal An air campaign to damage their nuclear facilities An air campaign to destroy their major military formations and equipment not listed above. A sea blockade shutting down all oil exports and all imports of any type including gasoline. All the while calling for the current government to surrender and hand themselves over to the UN. Not the US… to the UN. The UN then to sponsor, and monitor new free and open national elections in 90 days. If necessary take and hold (from the sea): Kharg Island, Lavan Island Kish Island, Abadan, Bandar Mahshar, and Neka, While keeping the Strait of Hormuz, open and flowing. 40k air and sea personal? 12-15k Marines IF, if we have to take the oil terminals. And hey… just what might they do? Human wave? They don’t have an air force. They don’t have much of a Navy… and will have less after the first 24 hours. Army? Most would be destroyed in the same opening air assault. So… they going to fade away? Fine… won’t be a guerrilla war if there is no occupying force now will there? Attack the Marines holding the terminals? With full air and naval support? Good luck with that. On a limited, but overwhelming force campaign it is Iran that quickly runs out of options not the US.