Indeed, that kind of ship would be even harder to identify under the conditions the pirates were operating until it was too late. It could easily be confused as a freighter without a proper daytime visual based on the human eyes of those in the skiff. I'll pass on another kind of a probable 'defence' here, and one I don't think many in the global public are aware but ought to be, but the rise of piracy there has also been caused by some pretty awful behaviours. Since Somalia has no functioning government, the Somali coastline has been ravaged by massive waste dumping--including toxic waste including nuclear--plus rapacious overfishing by others, all of whom have taken full advantage of Somalia's misfortunes to fish its waters clean whilst polluting it filthy. Many of these pirates by common knowledge are ex-fisherman who have turned to piracy to earn a living because their main life trade has been severely damaged and/or ruined thanks to these rapacious acts. IMO, a major public effort and pressure should be made upon governments to put an end to these abuses of the Somali coast that in turn have helped cause the piracy problem. After all, if these coastal Somalis can't feed themselves and their kin because others have robbed and trashed their way of living, it becomes far more understandable why many of these people have resorted to this far more hazardous way of trying to earn a living.