Deflecting comets and asteroids on a collision course with Earth. Other than that I don't want to use them. Given the choice, I'd sooner chase the Soviets all the way to the Urals from both ends than let MAD get going. But that ship has sailed.
No objectivity at all, just dripping venom for the people and institutions that do the dirty work so that you can live your pampered little liberal life. The U.S. military could have turned Afghanistan into rubble if they were so allowed, but whining liberals like yourself always bitch about the collateral damage. So we put our men in more danger to fight carefully so that we minimize collateral damage, and then you whining liberals bitch that we're not winning the war fast enough. I think the common denominator is that regardless of what, or how well, the military does, whining liberals bitch about it.
We were clearly protecting the Germans from the French.