Heh Cappie, You ever read the Old Testamant? I'm mean beyond the prohibition of same sex humpin'. Full of people killing children, wiping out entire populations ( because the Lord said so), stoning people for, lemme see, workin' on the Sabbath, homosexuality,adultry, I'm sure I'm leaving out tons of stuff. Angel of the Lord killing the first born, had to be some newborns in that mess, on and on. There's even an example of human sacrifice. If one is to read the OT in a literal sense as the commandments of a Righteous God, many actions today would be considered terrorism. I haven't read the Koran so personally I can't comment, and I can't stand it when someone uses the cafeteria on one or two quotes from the Bible or any other source for that matter, so I won't do that with some passage from the Koran. Of course before someone accuses me, I'm not defending any form of terrorism or any belief, rather I am pointing out that reading ancient text and following those texts without applying reason and common sense will lead many down a path of horrific behavior.