In your opinion their is... Anyways, your both worshipping the same God any way your looking at it, just a Christians believe that their God is the same as the Jewish G-d but they've realised he's sent the Messigh. Now Islam simply believe thats they've recognised a further (and final) way for God to be worshipped. Its all a matter of opinion. Thats an off repeated fallicy but untrue, indeed Islam was actually spread far more peacibly than Christianity at first. The Islamic theocracies of the past allowed non-believers to live under in their states without major penilties (thus the survival of major monestrys, Particianships for centuaries under the caphite) while the Christian fundimentalist states wiped out those who didn't agree with them-hell they even wiped out those who didn't agree with their specific brand of Christianity. Lets compare the Islamic conquest of Byzantine Egypt with, for example, the Tutonic conquest of Lituania. The Alexandrian patrican was allowed to remain, the bascillica survived and Christians where left unhalmed in one instance while in the other thousands of Pagans where forced to convert or murdered by relgious franatics. Both where spreading their religion 'by the sword' but only one was forcing conversion. Theres countless examples mate-the conquest of the Spain by the Moors. Barton estimates that after 70 years on from the Moorish conquest of Granada 67% of peasents remained Christian. On the other hand, after the reconquestia peasents who had converted where either killed, forced to convert or forced to leave the land their familly had farmed for generations. OH, and your using Choudry as a 'UK islamic leader' please. Learn something about the man-this is someone who leads a group of about 30 people (islam 4 UK) and tried to march on Wotton Basset but could raise the people. Try the MCB for a decent Islamic leader in the UK, you know, someone who actually represents someone.